November 2012 Issue
In the heated pace surrounding our lifestyles, it is becoming more and more difficult to find the necessary reading time that one would need to stay up to his children's expectations of him and of his intellect...one must read about the latest technology, research about the environmental impact of every carbon footprint, analyze the origin of a tsunami and then find ways to explain reasons behind the shifting of the rotational axis of earth as a result of a massive earthquake... all this within a conversation over dinner or on a short drive to visit a friend...

Philosophy and Science

IBM is trying to build an artificial brain. They want to understand the patterns that neurons follow to communicate with each other, and they hope that they will be able to come up with algorithms that can simulate thinking...

Visit With a Twist

As part of its commitment to motivate and inspire its students, ISAS has teamed up with Cayan Real Estate Investment & Development, the developer of the Infinity Tower - Dubai, to give students a real-life experience about the nature of engineering...

Track the school bus
in real time!

What if we had the ability to view the location of the school bus at anytime, anywhere. AMSI schools buses now have a GPS system which allows you to track the route of the bus...

Omani Rocks

Carbon dioxide is an important heat-trapping (greenhouse) gas, which is released through human activities such as deforestation and burning fossil fuels, as well as natural processes such as respiration and volcanic eruptions...

Students and the
iGEM Competition

Every year undergraduate students from different universities around the world enter the famous iGEM competition hoping to create new bacteria that can be of value...

AMSI Students
Think Pink

As part of its mission to educate students beyond the classroom, ISAS and Al Mawakeb Schools recognized Breast Cancer Awareness Month through several "Pink Day" activities...