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June 2013 Issue
The June newsletter is coming to you in July… It seems the summer blues spilled into June and completely took over our data management centers… The team efforts however prevailed, and we come to you in July hoping to see you again at the end of July, on the onset of another fight with the summer blues… The headline for this newsletter is: AMSI signs an MOU with Dubai Healthcare City - DHCC, marking their willingness to cooperate to put together an academic program that feeds into the Dubai’s much needed hunger for students oriented around the medical field…

AMSI Alumni

They say that children live what you've always dreamed to be in the future. Dreams you may have construed as a child yourself. Perhaps when sitting on a desk on a bright sunny school day...


High Blood Pressure
And Computer Modeling

Computer simulations show that high blood pressure can be entirely explained by arterial stiffening as we age, say researchers...


AMSI Students in
MUN New York

AMSI students were chosen as UN Ambassadors to attend The 14th Annual Global Classrooms: International Model UN Conference in New York, USA...
summer homework

Summer Learning

Now that the summer vacation is in play, you can sneak a lot of learning into the long, hot, and lazy summer days. The trick is to make a game out of learning every day...
home robots e-services

AMSI E-Services

In this day in age, technology has become so advanced and easy to use. In order to keep up with the fast moving pace, people are always on the run looking for easily accessible services and solutions...

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